Sierra Vista, AZ 85635
+1 520-508-8617

COVID Safety Score

Customers will tell you what you need to know, do they have a way to tell you?

Data driven decisions are at the core of every successful business in the information age. To make the best possible decisions, we need actionable business intelligence that provides insights into what our customers are thinking and feeling when they do business with us. Create the channel for them to give you the keys to understanding what is important to a customer and what will keep them coming back. What aspects of our product or service offering are important in their minds and are of value to them? Now, with COVID-19 driving additional factors, do your customers feel safe to come into your business and engage with you?

Insight-Surveys can help! The most reliable source of business intelligence comes from our customers. Don’t just guess how they feel, ask them to tell you. Now, more than ever, we need to constantly monitor how customers are perceiving our efforts to serve them. Don’t let the feedback happen in a public forum on social media. When areas of improvement are identified on social media, it is open to the world in the court of public opinion. Keep feedback off of a public website, take control of the feedback, address it directly and own the channel so your brand reputation stays intact.

Customers will tell you what is important to them, given they have an easy way to do so that also allows you to take timely action. Confirm what is working now and how you can leverage that into continuous growth. Understand what customers will want to be better next time. Challenge us with problems, what do you need to know, let us help you solve them with better insights and actionable data for your business.

COVID Safety Score


In Minnesota, the Governor’s mandate specifies: Managers and supervisors are expected to monitor how effective the program has been implemented. [Describe how the business will monitor the effectiveness of the program and identify successes, challenges and deficiencies.]Our COVID SAFETY SCORE will help you gather and analyze actionable information that customers share on how safe they feel in your business. Get rewarded for doing a good job and share it with other customers so they can shop with confidence in your business. Respond to areas for improvement immediately with customizable email alerts can help you act on information fast. 

Our customized scoring system will help you measure how safe AND satisfied your customers feel. Our data analysis of customer feedback and “COVID Safety Score” can be shared in your advertising and on your website so customers can come back again and again with confidence.

Do you want to be able to look around corners and see beyond the horizon?

Take feedback-based decision making based on actionable business intelligence to the next level, create a scorecard that lets you know how you are doing based on actual customer feedback. Contact Insight-Surveys today to get more information on our COVID Safety Score system to learn how safe AND satisfied customers are the key to growing your business!

Test a drive the COVID Safety & Satisfaction Survey by simply filling out the Request Form

Questions? Call or text 612-483-5017

Sample Weekly Report